Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Book Club boxes

For your information:

Book club box procedures

1. On receipt of box:
• Check contents of box against label
• Issue box to Branch book club card so its location is identifiable – manually make due date 1 week after meeting for that title.
• Check-in all items in the box so they show available at your branch - see Note below.

That is, the box is checked out to the branch; the items are checked in to the branch

o The exception code for the Book club will come up for each item so will have to be OKed correctly to proceed with each check-in. (exception code = BKCLUB)
o The box has normal status (exception code). Only items within the box has BKCLUB status
o The exception code for book club should stay on the item and will only come off if manually changed (for example, if put to mending, CR, etc)
o If am item doesn’t have a BKCLUB exception code, reset (same as setting to mending etc)

• Display or promote items as appropriate for your book club.

2. Loans:
• Issue items to patrons as required. No renewals allowed?? Loan period? What do you think- 3 weeks as per usual or extended to a month to fit with meetings or even 6 weeks for extra reading and thinking time????

3. Returns (or check-ins)
• Book club exception will come up. If not, set status as BKCLUB.
• Put book in book club box. (or send to current branch if returned at another branch – check catalogue for box location if necessary.)

4. On completion of Book club meeting
• Check-in (return) individual items in box.
• When all copies of items are accounted for, check-in (return) box. Do not check-in box in until all copies are accounted for
• If box is reserved, send to that branch, if not, send to Support Services Caddy Club (Admin)

5. Reservation of box for future meeting
• Titles can be found in catalogue by keyword search : BOOK + CLUB + BOX
• Check whether already on reserve for another branch, and if so reserve for future meeting if desired but meanwhile consider another box for next meeting
• Reserve as normal – but it must be under a supervisor’s login. AND be sure to reserve the specific D-number for the box.
Note: Be sure to reserve the specific D-number for the BOX!!!
• If the box/title you want is at Support Services, perhaps let someone in SS know you are reserving it so they know to look for it for you.

Support Services
• Check-in all items within box
• Check- in box
• Attend to physical maintenance of items and box if necessary
• Regularly watch pull list for reserve of boxes
• If on pull list, wand in box barcode only.


Unshelved said...

I want to know if the books are available to non library bookclubs. eg I know that lots of the retirement villages around Erina have bookclubs.
Denise S

Hettie Betty said...

That will be fine. As long as everyone is a member of the library they can have access to the services as normal. It will prob even increase liaisons between such groups and the library- which is good!!!

Unshelved said...

What are staff doing about boxes that have been reserved but are not complete that is only one book needs to be returned. I feel that they should be complete before being sent on but that may involve waiting forever. Chris G